Dream Trains
  • Date de parution 04/12/2020
  • Nombre de pages 240
  • Poids de l’article 1626 gr
  • ISBN-13 9789954695739
  • Format 243 x 301 mm
  • Edition Grand format
Récits de voyages

Dream Trains

Résumé éditeur

 "Dream Trains" invites us on a voyage, a voyage to the heart of authenticity, in the countries and regions visited as well as the people encountered. A journey across continents aboard a selection of trains chosen for their incomparable character, and an opportunity to share unforgettable sensory experiences. A journey that embraces history and heritage as it looks to the future. A journey dedicated to well-being. - 50 lines on 5 continents are narrated and illustrated, welcoming the reader to discover their history, their uniqueness, the extraordinary landscapes travelled and the quality of the travelling experience. For each line, the emphasis lies on the impact of these trains upon the local ecosystem as well as their contribution to the sustainable development of the region. - 6 themes, featuring 5 emblematic tourist trains, underscore the variety of these trains and the experiences they offer. Whether UNESCO heritage trains, mythical trains, trains full of charm, vintage trains, day-trip trains, or luxury trains, passengers choose their destinations with care. - A preface situates the railway at the heart of its tourist and sociological dimension.

livré en 6 jours

  • Date de parution 04/12/2020
  • Nombre de pages 240
  • Poids de l’article 1626 gr
  • ISBN-13 9789954695739
  • Format 243 x 301 mm
  • Edition Grand format

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AUTRES LIVRES DE Marie-Pascale Rauzier4

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