Guide The Napoleon Route Ed. Anglaise
  • Date de parution 03/12/2003
  • Nombre de pages 168
  • Poids de l’article 289 gr
  • ISBN-13 9782742411658
  • Format 230 x 116 mm
  • Edition Grand format

Guide The Napoleon Route Ed. Anglaise

Résumé éditeur

Keys to understandingThe striking contrasts of the landscape between the Mediterranean coast and the Alps ; the history of a legendary route created with the "Flight of the Eagle" ; important regional buildings ; and the view of artists and writers on Napoleon's return from Elba.Itinaries along the Napoleon RouteFollow in Napoleon's footsteps as he marched from Golfe-Juan to Grenoble. Explore the eight stages of the Napoleon Route, and discover the traditions, natural beauty, historical monuments and major historical figures of the regions along the way. Experience the Emperor's triumphant return to Paris and the Hundred Days leading to his exile in Saint Helena.Practical InformationA selection of hotels and restaurants, courtesy of GaultMillau ; the addresses and opening hours of museums and sights ; a list of festivals and events ; and 8 pages of maps.

Retiré de la vente

  • Date de parution 03/12/2003
  • Nombre de pages 168
  • Poids de l’article 289 gr
  • ISBN-13 9782742411658
  • Format 230 x 116 mm
  • Edition Grand format

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