Change Management
  • Date de parution 30/08/2013
  • Nombre de pages 182
  • Poids de l’article 331 gr
  • ISBN-13 9782804176730
  • Editeur DE BOECK SUP
  • Format 240 x 175 mm
  • Edition Grand format

Change Management

Résumé éditeur

This book develops a critical view on the main current theories in change management and leads to a multidimensional grid for assessing change processes. Thanks to numerous case studies, it offers a concrete illustration of a polyphonic management style.This book develops a critical view on the main current theories in change management. Most of them offer partial explanations: the planning model considers change as a linear process, in which design necessarily precedes implementation; the contingent model is essentially focussed on contextual pressures; the political model is mainly concerned with power games, often leading to the dilution of change, etc.The book proposes an original combination of these models by referring to the actor-network theory, a french sociologiclal perspective. Thanks to numerous case studies, it provides the reader with a rich and concrete understanding of the main phenomena linked to any change process. It leads to a multidimensional grid for assessing change processes and pleads for the adoption of a "polyphonic" management style, in which the interests of the various stakeholders concerned directly contribute to the design of the project.

livré en 6 jours

  • Date de parution 30/08/2013
  • Nombre de pages 182
  • Poids de l’article 331 gr
  • ISBN-13 9782804176730
  • Editeur DE BOECK SUP
  • Format 240 x 175 mm
  • Edition Grand format

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