Galerie Half: Selected Works/Spaces
  • Date de parution 21/02/2024
  • Nombre de pages 336
  • Poids de l’article 1 gr
  • ISBN-13 9782080427243
  • Editeur FLAMMARION
Moins d'1 an

Galerie Half: Selected Works/Spaces

Résumé éditeur

A favorite purveyor to the Los Angeles design cognoscenti, Galerie Half offers a stylish blend of twentieth-century works, European antiques, and eclectic rarities imbued with a sense of timeless imperfection. Pieces from disparate design traditions converge seamlessly in a single space, from a bleached Gustavian daybed flanked by a Roman statue to a Venetian mirror reflecting African masks. Galerie Half consistently demonstrates consummate talent at constructing diverse compositions-using signed original works from great names such as Le Corbusier, Marcel Breuer, and Rick Owens, as well as anonymous pieces-to create harmony between luxurious and humble materials. Their genius lies in the artful curation of individual elements with soul. The transcendent gallery is a haven for Los Angeles interior designers and star Hollywood clientele, including Ellen Degeneres, Mary-Kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen, Jason Statham and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, and Amanda Anka and Jason Bateman, who have all contributed to this book.

livré en 5 jours

  • Date de parution 21/02/2024
  • Nombre de pages 336
  • Poids de l’article 1 gr
  • ISBN-13 9782080427243
  • Editeur FLAMMARION

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